MKP UK&I Level 1 Guts Facilitation Training

14-16 March 2025 in London

Dorset Wharf Community Hall, 158 Rainville Road, W6 9HN

Led by Hugh Newton and Peter Mulhall

£200 per man (limited to 12 places)

This is a 2 Day Non- Residential Training for 12 men

Friday: 6 pm (arrival from 4pm) to 9 pm

Saturday: 10am (arrival from 9.30am) to 9 pm

Sunday: 10am (arrival from 9.30am) to 4 pm

£200 per man (limited to 12 places) - NON-Residential, you will need to supply your own food (aside from the Saturday evening meal)

This is a 2 Day Training for 12 men

Friday: 6 pm (arrival from 4pm) to 9 pm

Saturday: 10am (arrival from 9.30am) to 9 pm

Sunday: 10am (arrival from 9.30am) to 4 pm

You will learn how to facilitate, and have an opportunity to do your own work on the carpet 


  • To develop understanding of the NWTA, rites of passage, and the place of Guts in the weekend.

  • To provide a basic understanding of shadow and archetypes, and how we work with these on the carpet.

  • To develop an understanding of the Guts Process, and to guide men as to how to facilitate a process from beginning to end.

  • To provide practice and experience in leading and supporting Guts Processes.

Within this Facilitation Training you will learn

  • How to deliver all the Guts processes. 

  • How to facilitate a Participant in his carpet process from beginning to end.  

  • A thorough understanding of the Archetypes MKP uses and how to use these archetypes in Facilitation. 

  • How to work with trauma.  

  • How to keep the participant safe during their process. 

We will be running live processes, with time outs and freeze frames. Participants will be running processes from the beginning to the end with Hugh & Peter as mentors and trainers offering best practice options.

Debrief & Feedback - At the end of each process we will thoroughly debrief the whole process, and examine how the facilitators managed the process.

This training is targeted at men with 3 + NWTA Staffings who wish to facilitate on the carpet on a NWTA. It is geared to help men become expert in and skilled at facilitating the processes we use in Guts.

VENUE: Dorset Wharf Community Hall, 158 Rainville Road, London W6 9HN

Register and Pay using the form below

Any enquiries please contact

From previous participants:

 "I have staffed quite a few NWTA's since my initiation and always got stuck during GUTS. I read the protocols, watched experienced men and stepped up to open the main up but always seemed to get lost in the process. I recently did the Level 1 GUTS training and have just completed my first NWTA since being trained in GUTS and found my own confidence in my facilitation skills has been transformed. The training gave me an understanding of the process on an experiential level and a solid framework of the GUTS process. My main takeaway was understanding the steps and allowing the man to guide you. It really helped me to step through and let go of the uncertainty of having to know what to do. It gave me a solid foundation and confidence and I recommend that any man seeking to learn facilitation skills consider doing this training.  You will not get this level of understanding by just doing NWTA's." - Richard Muir - Water Rabbit

The GUTS training has given my facilitation skills and understanding a massive boost. It's not just for NWTA's, my igroup stands to greatly benefit from the learning here. It's deeply experiential. Some amazing, gutsy work was done. I had a big shift in finding my healthy Sovereign on the carpet. I'm heading straight back for Level 2. Thanks Hugh and Peter.” - Ben Ford - Tawny Owl

Hugh Newton and Peter Mulhall are both experienced NWTA Co-Leaders and Facilitators.