UK&I E-Mail Groups Rules & Guidelines 

The ManKind Project UK & Ireland e-mail groups are where participants who have completed the NWTA can come together and share thoughts, information, feelings and items of relevant interest. The information and content shared by individuals does not represent the views of the ManKind Project UK & Ireland, unless expressed in an official capacity.

MKP is a place to grow and learn. 

Treat others with respect, even when you have to stretch for it. 

Debates are natural, and curiosity goes further than righteousness.

The Rules and Guidelines shown below are in place to ensure that any forum is as supportive and informative as possible.


  • Confidentiality: What is said in any confidential space and of a personal nature stays there and is not shared here.

  • No unauthorised selling or advertising (the process for Advertising on UK&I Chat is shown HERE ) - This includes E-Mail Signatures that advertise your business

  • No personal verbal attacks, slander, or threats to anyone in or outside the community.

  • No cross-posting to, or from, other e-mail lists (doing this is spamming)

  • Communication within our e-mail groups should not contravene the Values of the ManKind Project UK & Ireland and/or our Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Breaking any of these rules could result in you being suspended or removed from all UK&I e-mail groups. 

If you believe these Rules or Guidelines have been broken by a posting on a UK&I e-mail grouping then contact

GUIDELINES (Adherence to these guidelines will ensure a safe and challenging environment for all)

  • Freedom of Expression: You have the right to express your feelings AND the responsibility to consider the potential impact on others 

  • Watch for Intention versus Impact: - “I am responsible for the consequences of my actions [and postings], whether intended or not”. Often my words create impacts that were unintended- especially in cross-cultural interactions. Becoming aware of my unintended impacts is a great way to become aware of my blind spots!

  • Ownership: Email is a medium for communication. When expressing judgements, do so in such a way that you are affirming the humanity of the other person rather than damning them.

  • "I"- Statements:Use “I” statements (not you/we/one/they). This is particularly important in Multi-Cultural discussions, as it is easy to speak of "those people" and make judgments about others.

  • No Blaming or Shaming (No "put downs"): How can I shame or blame myself or you for attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs supported systematically over long periods of time by cultures and institutional structures? How can I hear you or tell you how I feel when either one of us is stuck in blame or shame?

  • All Men are Welcome - offensive comments are not: MKP UK&I strives to be a diverse and inclusive community.  We recognise that we are all different and we all have different views, so it is natural that our views may well differ from the views of others. For many men e-mail groups are a place to voice, own and explore our judgements, and to look into our shadows.  It is not a place to convince others that we are right and they are wrong. And it is not a place to knowingly cause offence. Preceding an offensive judgement with a statement of ownership is like saying “I don’t mean to be rude, but..” and contravenes these Rules and Guidelines.

  • We can Agree to Disagree: It is OK to see and hold a difference in our thoughts and beliefs. Hold differences gracefully. Don’t be afraid of conflict; it is a necessary and acceptable part of the learning process. Conflict doesn't have to stop dialogue and dialogue doesn’t have to lead to conflict!

  • Be Aware of the Both/And: By using the "both/and model", rather than the "either/or", the  possibility for effective dialogue is enhanced.

  • Listen to Understand: Listen to what's 'behind' the issue for that person. In other words, listen to understand THEM, not the issue. Be equally willing to apply this to yourself and your issues before posting.

  • Avoid Fixing: Avoid debating solutions or offering them.

  • No Cross-Posting: Do not post the same e-mail to more than one list at a time. Many men belong to more than one list; cross-posting creates spam, adds to the volume of everyone's e-mail and creates confusion when men attempt to reply to both lists.

  • Links: When adding an external link, describe: why you think men might be interested in it; its emotional impact on you together with a brief description of its contents; and what you hope they might take away from it.

  • Events and Invitations: MKP UK & Ireland Events are mainly sent out on MKP UK & Ireland Announcements List. You may use e-mail groups to invite men to a FREE event that YOU are running so long as it is congruent with  the Values of our community and it is made clear that it is not officially affiliated to the ManKind Project UK & Ireland. 

If you believe these Rules or Guidelines have been broken by a posting on a UK&I e-mail grouping then contact