
Leadership Training 1 (LT-1)

The Container of Leadership

The Container of Leadership (LT-1) is a weekend training set in a safe and empowered container, designed to mirror for a man his challenges and issues with Leadership- both in life and in his work in the ManKind Project.

Led by tbc .

Dates for 2025 TBC

We are all leaders in our home, work and in our personal activities, so there are no prerequisites for taking this training other than a desire to embrace and develop the leader within.

This training is designed to help to identify and anti-dote the blocks to your leadership, understand what holds you back, and experience what enables you to access both your personal power as a leader and the collective intelligence of any group. Some NWTA processes are reviewed and examined to deepen the understanding of the weekend and to sharpen your skills for staffing.


Weekend schedule
Friday evening from 6.00pm (arrival from 3.30 onwards) all Saturday and finish no later than 4pm on Sunday. Shared accommodation, meals and tuition £350 (Bursaries are available)



Hazel Hill Wood Retreat Centre,

Grimstead Rd,




Google maps: HAZEL HILL

Fee - £350 per man for SHARED ACCOMMODATION, tuition and food

(Bursaries are available use the email below)

For all enquiries about this training contact

Register and Pay using the form below