Staff and Leadership Trainings

There are four training’s currently offered by MKP UK&I.

Staff Training 1 (ST-1) - ST-1 is designed for men to complement their NWTA staffing experience AND it is a requirement that men have completed ST-1 before staffing their 4th NWTA. The intention is to review, experience and understand the flow and energy of the processes on a NWTA.

ST-1 is an opportunity to re-visit your experience of initiation and take it to a further level with the benefit of a higher perspective.

The next ST-1 date for 2025 is TBC - click HERE for more details

Leadership Training 1 (LT-1) - We are all leaders in our home, work and in our personal activities, so there are no prerequisites for taking this training other than a desire to embrace and develop the leader within. This training is designed to help to identify and anti-dote the blocks to your leadership, understand what holds you back, and experience what enables you to access both your personal power as a leader and the collective intelligence of any group. Some NWTA processes are reviewed and examined to deepen your understanding of the weekend and to sharpen your skills for staffing. LT-1 is called “The Container of Leadership” and is designed to mirror for a man his Leadership issues BOTH in his life AND in his work in The ManKind Project.

The next LT-1 in 2025 is TBC

Leadership Training 2 (LT-2) - LT-2 is a powerful experiential training, set in a safe and empowered container. Each man focuses on developing his leadership from within, and its links to real life - personally, professionally and on the NWTA- balancing self fulfillment with the necessary inspiration, responsibility, appropriate authority and sense of service. Experience what holds you back, and understand what underpins your power as a leader. Learn more about your gold and dark shadows of leadership. Discover how money shadows show up in your life and leadership. LT-2 is focused around “The Burdens and Blessings of Leadership” and is for ALL men seeking to expand and explore leadership in their lives and The ManKind Project.

The next LT-2 will be in 2026

LT1 and LT2 can be done in any order!

Leadership Training 3 (LT-3) - During LT-3 “The Authentic Servant Leader” you will:

  • Explore how your 'authentic servant leader' shows up in MKP and your life.

  • Look deeply at your Victim/Perpetrator Shadows and how they might make your leadership less effective or even dangerous.

  • Access your excellence in understanding some of the key 'Covenanted Processes' we expect men to know when leading an NWTA. 

  • Explore your leadership Gold in Mission and in a Golden Hotseat.

  • Look at how sexism might get in the way of your leadership.

  • Feel how the King's Quarter blesses and informs your leadership.

  • This training uses a mix of individual work, journaling, dyad work, group work and carpet/process work to access the authentic servant leader that lives in every man!

    The next LT-3 dates are TBC for 2025 or 2026 (likely a bilingual French and English language training), for more details contact

The MKP Leadership Training curriculum empowers men to live with profound personal integrity and master a wide array of conscious leadership skills. Completion of all Leader Training's, (ST-1, LT-1, LT-2 and LT-3) along with extensive mentoring, peer evaluation, and facilitation experience are prerequisite to sitting for international certification as a NWTA Leader, PIT Leader, Ritual Elder and LKS Leadman.

MKP UK&I also offers facilitation training for NWTA’s and I-Groups, please see the trainings listed in the left-hand column of the page.

Any enquiries regarding trainings should be directed to