To provide participants with an understanding of each other’s experiences of difference. To teach the skills to enable them to recognise and name unfair treatment whilst developing more effective strategies to challenge and resolve all forms of unfair treatment.
Identity, Difference & Unconscious Bias.
Calling all MKP men and their partners or significant others to attend a National Coalition-Building Institute (NCBI) one-day workshop on Identity, Difference & Unconscious Bias either in-person or online: these workshops are also a chance to come together with multi-identity members of the public.
These workshops are about strengthening our communities and our relationships. They promise to be insightful for both MKP men and their partners. At these workshops you will get to hear and share experiences that go way beyond our normal bridge-building/unifying conversations.
The format of the day will be a fully interactive workshop utilising a series of exercises to explore our connections. This includes working in pairs and within small groups. The NCBI approach is around the mental models for diversity and inclusiveness. The fact that you may have attended previously, does not prevent a person attending again. The idea of looking at such mental models with a partner in the space and with others whose experiences are outside your usual identity groupings, can only serve to make us all stronger.
“Having been to several different NCBI workshops, I know the personal value it has generated for me each time”, says Diarmaid Fitzpatrick.
You can see a list of upcoming dates for 2024 and 2025 and how to sign up HERE