Welcome to the Community Payments page, you will find various options below for Community Payments.
For all donations made using this page please ensure (if you are a UK Taxpayer) that you also fill out our Gift Aid Form - Sign the Gift Aid Form
As a registered UK Charity (#1167983) MKP UK&I can potentially add 25% more onto your donations. Please click on the button below and fill out the form to allow us to claim a Gift Aid top-up on your donations.
LKS Gathering March 27-30th 2025 Unstone Grange
Staff Training 1 (ST1) Dates TBC
Staff Fees for NWTAs held the UK:
Staff Fees for NWTAs held in Ireland:
Bursary Donations:
We are receiving ever increasing requests for bursaries from men on low incomes who want to attend the NWTAs. Any donations you make play a vital role in enabling us to make the trainings accessible to men who need financial support.
NOTE: donations are made in £Sterling.
Advertisements on MKP UK&I Chat:
Before paying for an Advert please ensure you have read and responded to the Advert Guidelines
UK&I Elder Fund
Donate to the UKI Elder fund using the form below
Donate to the UK&I LKS Fund
Donate to the UKI LKS fund using the form below