From Me to We: The Gift Economy at the Heart of The ManKind Project

"The service aspect of our work is not just an add-on or an optional extra. It's an integral part of what we do. We believe that true healing and transformation cannot happen in isolation; it requires connection, community, and a willingness to give back. Through service, we create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond ourselves." - Ron Hering (co-founder of MKP)

The ManKind Project (MKP) is a global organisation dedicated to helping men grow, heal and find their purpose. Since our inception in 1985, service and giving have been core pillars of the MKP philosophy, and the concept of the "giveaway" has been central to our approach to personal growth and transformation.

The founders of MKP recognised that there were very few resources available to men struggling, growing or in need of community. They wanted to create a space where men could support each other, share their experiences, and learn new skills for personal growth and healing. In the early years, MKP primarily offered workshops and retreats, including our flagship programme, the New Warrior Training Adventure. This programme was designed to help men break through their limiting beliefs, face their fears, and discover their true potential. But even in those early days, service and giving were never far from their minds.

In the mid-1990s, MKP undertook an approach to service and giving, which became known as the "giveaway." The idea was simple: each man who participated in the New Warrior Training Adventure would be asked to make a contribution towards the weekend. This was a radical model that meant that men were actually paying to help serve other men and ‘pay forward’ the gift that they got from their training. 

The giveaway is a way for men to share something of themselves with the group, give back in a meaningful way, and connect with their own sense of purpose and contribution. Over time, the giveaway became a central part of the MKP community experience and remains so today. Our staff men on the weekend still pay to be there and our ‘social capital’ on each weekend often exceeds 25k.  

Service and giving are powerful tools for personal growth and transformation. When I give of myself, I connect with something larger than myself, and I make up that this is the same for other men.  I tap into a sense of purpose and contribution that is deeply fulfilling and meaningful. And when I give without expecting anything in return, I create a sense of abundance and generosity that can be contagious.

The giveaway is a perfect example of this. When men share something of themselves with the group, they create a sense of connection and community that is hard to replicate in any other way. They also learn to value their own unique gifts and contributions, and to see how those gifts can be used to make a positive impact on the world around them.

But the benefits of service and giving don't just accrue to the individual. They also have a ripple effect that can transform entire communities and even the world. When we give of ourselves, we create a sense of generosity and abundance that can inspire others to do the same. We create a culture of giving that values contribution over competition and generosity over selfishness.

At MKP, we believe that service and giving are essential components of personal growth and transformation. That's why we incorporate the giveaway into all of our programmes and events, and why we encourage all our members to find ways to give back to their communities. Whether it's through a service project, a donation, or simply a kind word, we know that giving is one of the most powerful ways to connect with our own sense of purpose and to make a positive impact on the world around us.

If you're interested in learning more about the ManKind Project and our approach to personal growth and transformation, we encourage you to explore our website or attend one of our events. We believe that every man has the potential to grow, heal, and find his purpose, and we're here to support him on that journey.

Laurence Johns, Development & Outreach Director of MKP UK&I