We’re on a mission in 2019 to raise funds for
MKP UK & Ireland and we need your help.
We're running a fundraising campaign this year - on a mission to get more men in more circles of support, for themselves, for their families and friends, communities - for everyone.
We want men to be well in the world!
We are in service to our aim of getting more men in more circles and we want to raise this money to support our core work. We know it’s a big ask - but we’re looking for people who could commit to an act of service for our charity this year - an act of service that could help us reach our fundraising target.
Is it you? SIGN UP HERE
We want to find (at least) 100 people - both men AND women - who would be willing to undertake a charity fundraising activity this year, each person raising a minimum of £100, during the 100 specified days.
Think you can help?
All we're asking is that between the 6th July and the 13th October 2019, YOU raise at least £100.
You could do this any number of ways... (within the VALUES of MKP of course!) - how about:
do something every day for the whole 100 days!
a sponsored walk
a bungee jump
a sponsored run or swim
cut off all your hair… or grow an amazing beard!
toss a cabre
fight a dragon (?)
host a men’s fashion show
have a cake sale…
...well, you get the picture! - we have a great list of ideas HERE
Ways to Donate
You can donate directly into MKP's bank account and sign up for Gift Aid as a UK taxpayer on our website by clicking HERE. Please put "100 Challenge" as your Reference.
You can set up a JustGiving fundraiser page and promote your own campaign on social media by clicking below.
And you don’t have to do this on your own! We’d love it if each of the 100 people enlisted help to raise money for their target - that could be your I-Group, a friend, colleague, partner, family member, an entire team or community of people… why not!?
And if we should find more than 100 people willing to join us, or if each person and their friends happened to raise more than £100 each… then so be it!
What we want to do… is try.
And what will happen to your hard earned fund raised cash? Here’s how we’ll spend the money:
The Adventure - your funds will go towards bursaries to help men attend the New Warrior Training Adventure who would otherwise be unable to go and to help us improve diversity and accessibility on the weekends.
Open Men’s Groups - your funds will support MKP existing I-Groups, PITS, training events and outreach into new communities - ensuring we get more men in more circles.
Grow MKP influence and reach - your funds will enable MKP to do more outreach work, run pop up circles and events across UK & Ireland or for as yet un-planned or even un-dreamed escapades! For example funding I groups to take our message into communities like prisons
We want you to get involved and sign up - you can express interest in being one of the first 100, or ask any questions by contacting frac@mankindprojectuki.org
You can SIGN UP HERE at any time for the 100 challenge, right up to the end of September 2019, but we’d but we’d really love to have our first 100 signed up by July 6th.
You can also ask questions and provide feedback on our online form by clicking HERE
We will be sharing fund raising ideas and updates on our FACEBOOK page. Even if you are not able to take on the Challenge yourself, we will be asking you to support people with their challenges and sponsor them for our cause. Stay in touch and watch the challenge unfold! Please like and follow us to keep being updated with events you can support. You can also join a campaign MAILING LIST if you are not on facebook.
Our mission is to build a safer, more compassionate world for ourselves, our loved ones and generations to come. The MANKIND PROJECT focuses on helping all men establish and pursue their own life purpose and nurture their emotional wellbeing. We do this by offering every man transformational experiences and supporting them in confidential, peer facilitated men's groups.
We want men to be well in the world!
The Fundraising Action Team
If you give or intend on giving Sign the Gift Aid Form if you already haven’t
MKPUK&I is now a registered Charity (#1167983) and as such, we can potentially add 25% more onto your donations. Please fill out the form below to allow us to claim a Gift Aid top-up on your contributions.