Crossing the Road

YOU are invited and challenged to address the lack of diversity within MKPUK&I, and the discrimination and oppression experienced by black, brown-skinned and minority ethnic men in our society, by “CROSSING THE ROAD” and inviting a man/men, who is/are 'different’ to you by skin colour or ethnicity, to an open circle of MKP men and their guests, where white men are the minority.

The invitation is to connect, hear and be heard, in a confidential, non-judgemental group of men.

This meeting will be followed by further monthly Crossing the Road meetings. AND the opportunity for non-MKP men to attend our online Connection Groups and Open Circles, [created as a response to Covid 19 restrictions] and perhaps one day an NWTA!!

The 'Crossing the Road' team hold and service a clear vision of a more diverse and inclusive MKPUK&I community.

The ‘Crossing the Road’ connection group provides an opportunity for learning, discussion, and connection on the issue of racism, between men from different ethnic identities that may not usually cross paths.

The space we create aims firstly to be intentionally inclusive of all men as historically has not been the case. In asking all men to bring the stories of their life experiences we encourage genuine connection through open dialogue.

This work carries the impact of positive social change not only in the lives of the men attending but also into the lives of his family, his community, and most importantly the planet.

'Crossing the Road' with us is one small positive step towards supporting and standing in solidarity with those that have to live with the effects of racism daily.".


Please register for the next call here.

As a result of the success of our recent events, we have decided to limit participants to a maximum of 25 men moving forward. This is to achieve a similar depth of connection and to hear more from those present.

Please sign up quickly to avoid disappointment as this will work on a first-come, first-served basis. Those that sign up after the 25 man cap will be given priority at the next date of the Connection Group.

So, take a breath, with your fear out in front of you, and be that man who made a difference.

All our crossing the road events in the calendar are below