Double your donation with our
Matching Fund

How it works

An MKP man, wishing to remain anonymous, has offered to match any new donations (excluding existing monthly standing orders) to MKP UK&I between 01 December and 31 March 2021. He’ll match donations up to £10,000 in total.

Donate via bank transfer or the WorldPay form to the right.

Donate via Bank Transfer

One way to donate is via your online banking portal to MKP’s account (65840153 sort code: 08 92 99).

Please add the word ‘Matching’ in the Description line of your BACS transfer.


Donate via World Pay

Sign the Gift Aid Form

MKPUK&I is now a registered Charity (#1167983) and as such, we can potentially add 25% more onto your donations. Please fill out the form below to allow us to claim a Gift Aid top-up on your contributions.