MKP Centres in Europe

MKP French Speaking Europe – Europe Francophone

L’Aventure Initiatique des Nouveaux Guerriers… cette aventure est une initiation masculine au sens traditionnel (la quête du héros), mais adaptée à notre société actuelle.

MKP Nordic (English and Scandinavian languages)

Men of the Nordic countries, but also men who are nationals of other lands but live in the Nordic area.

MKP Netherlands

"Het Mankind Project (MKP) is een internationale non-profit trainings- en onderwijsinstelling die zich richt op de ontwikkeling en groei van mannen. MKP Nederland is de stichting die zich richt op het verwerkelijken van deze doelstellingen binnen Nederland."

MKP German Speaking Europe – Deutschsprachiges ManKind Project

Das Neue Krieger Trainings Abenteuer ist einerseits eine traditionelle männliche Initiation, andererseits aber geleitet durch moderne, erfahrene Männer von heute.

Sister Organisations

Woman Within
The Woman Within weekend offered by Woman Within UK is an opportunity to descend into yourself. To take some time out of your life and re-establish connection with who you really are. You are offered the chance to let down the masks and defences which you use as protection and to experience your deepest feelings. Being among women is an integral part of this weekend and our staff of women are there to walk alongside you every step of the way.

Women In Power
Are you ready to embrace your birthright as a powerful woman? At Women In Power we create an unprecedented space for women to fully explore their power shadows.