Crossing the Road, Online December 5th 10am -12.30pm
YOU are invited and challenged to address the lack of diversity within MKPUK&I, and the discrimination and oppression experienced by black, brown-skinned and minority ethnic men in our society, by “CROSSING THE ROAD” and inviting a man/men, who is/are 'different’ to you by skin colour or ethnicity, to an open circle of MKP men and their guests, where white men are the minority.
The invitation is to connect, hear and be heard, in a confidential, non-judgemental group of men.
This meeting will be followed by further monthly Crossing the Road meetings. AND the opportunity for non-MKP men to attend our online Connection Groups and Open Circles, [created as a response to Covid 19 restrictions] and perhaps one day an NWTA!!
If you need support around inviting a man/men you don’t know, contact:
Lance Martins [07775 564884]
Mark Powley [07967 583046]
Diarmaid Fitzpatick [07768 468031]
Please email
for joining instructions for yourself and your guest.
He will need the guests' email addresses so make sure you have their permission first.
Alternatively, the guests can mail him directly for joining instructions.
So, take a breath, with your fear out in front of you, and be that man who made a difference.